RedSnake Fun with Prizes

Happy Valentine’s Day everyone! The RedSnake cherubs are a flapping around, whispering sweet backtrace information into our terminals. We want to share these joyous feelings with all of you wonderful attendees. And what better way to do that than free book?!? Also, thanks to our generous sponsors, we have more dead trees than we can handle.

BUT like all good things in life, you’ve got to put in a little bit of work in to get something out:

Announcing the RedSnake Quiz

Starting on Thursday, we will be posting a series questions related to Ruby or Python. Answer the question and you will be entered to win one of the cool books we have to give. To make life a little more exciting, the book you get will be chosen at random.

So follow @RedSnakePhilly on the Twitter to get a heads-up on the questions and how to submit your answers.

Good luck!