The RedSnake is a meeting where Rubyists and Pythonistas get together to throw down some hard tech and inspire each other to level up. Ultimately we aim to accomplish the following:
- To be the premier technical event for hardcore programmers in Philadelphia
- To inspire and provide an environment of learning to those who are new to programming
- To introduce Philadelphia’s top companies to Philadelphia’s top programmers
- To raise national recognition for Philadelphia’s tech community and attract top talent to the city
The format is 2 hours of alternating 10 minute lightning talks. It’s intense, technical, and mind blowing.
Alyssa Batula

Alyssa Batula is an electrical engineering Ph.D. candidate at Drexel University, working on a project to control a robot using recorded brain signals. She has taught Python through PhillyPUG and Girl Develop It Philadelphia.
Jearvon Dharrie

Jearvon has a passion for software craftsmanship. He finds joy in creating functional software to increase business value. Evidenced by his roles as organizer of Philly.rb and co-organizer of Philly Lambda, Jearvon is a strong believer in community and knowledge sharing.
Ryan Findley

Ryan Findley is the Founder of Neomind Labs. He wrote his first made-to-order software application in the early 1990’s and has been building and integrating custom solutions ever since. Neomind Labs specializes in software excellence using Ruby on Rails and Javascript. Neomind has built and maintained software systems for clients in the United States that serve a global audience of customers.
Peter Gebhard

Peter Gebhard is a senior programmer at the PRECISE Center, an embedded systems research group at the University of Pennsylvania. Before coming to Penn, he was a software engineer at Lockheed Martin where he developed large Java web applications. He is much happier in Python-land (and Philly!).
Sarah Gray

Sarah is a full-time Rails developer and part-time DevOps dabbler at The Neat Company. She is believer in user experience and code craftsmanship. In her spare time, Sarah is a regular instructor though Girl Develop It Philadelphia and PhillyPUG’s Python Workshop.
Tim Gross

Tim Gross is the DevOps lead for DramaFever, where he works on deployment, AWS operations, and backend software engineering. When he’s not cutting code or scratching his head at Cloudwatch, he might be found helping out at PhillyPUG. His secret hobby is trolling the Go programmers at DramaFever about how awesome Erlang is.
Tom Panzarella

Tom is Founder and Lead Engineer at Love Park Robotics, a cyber-physical systems software company in Philadelphia. He has been programming in Python since last century. Most recently, he has been using Python to enable computers to see and robots to act intelligently. Tom organizes the Philadelphia Python User’s Group (PhillyPUG).
Angel Pizarro

Angel Pizarro is a Solutions Architect for Amazon Web Services focusing on scientific computing problems at scale.
Mat Shaffer

Mat Schaffer is a software developer, educator, and community leader. He’s currently the Manager of Crisis Response Engineering at Neflix. Before that, he was a developer-for-hire in the Philadelphia area and organizer of Philly.rb, the downtown Philadelphia Ruby User group.